Literatur: Frühkindliche Karies
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7 Petrou MA, Giraki M, Bissar AR et al. Prevalence of Molar-Incisor-Hypomineralisation among school
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8 Kuhnisch J, Heitmuller D, Thiering E et al. Propor- tion and extent of manifestation of molar-incisor– hypomineralizations according to different pheno- types. J Public Health Dent 2014; 74: 42–49
9 Bürkle V. MIH – Hypomineralisation der Inzisiven und ersten bleibenden Molaren. Dentalhygiene Journal 2008; 20–22
10 Elfrink ME, Ghanim A, Manton DJ et al. Standardi- sed studies on Molar Incisor Hypomineralisation (MIH) and Hypominera- lised Second Primary Molars (HSPM): a need. Eur Arch Paediatr Dent 2015; 16: 247–255
11 Steffen R, Krämer N, van Waes H. Molaren-Inzisi- ven-Hypomineralisation. Grundlagen, Ursachen, Präventionsansätze und Therapie. Zahnmedizin up2date 2015; 9: 313–324
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